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Celebrate Your Own Victories: A Guide to Creating a Positive Mindset and a Growth Mindset

Successful habits equal success. We all know creating and changing habits can be hard as our minds find it difficult to adapt to new routines, but acknowledging and celebrating the small wins are how you help yourself establish the habits you need and to keep you going.

Happiness is a by-product! When we are fully engaged in our lives, our confidence runs higher, our actions match our intentions, our love for ourselves grows, and we experience a life filled with meaning. So, if you want to experience happiness, you must find ways to incorporate meaning into your life. Celebrating your little wins can be a catalyst for finding this meaning.

Celebrate Your Own Victories

To put it another way, if you are not yet willing to give up pursuing happiness, try viewing happiness as something you practice.[5] And if you want a proven way to engage with that practice, try celebrating all of your small victories.

Think about what you enjoy the most, and do this each time you complete a step. This could be anything from treating yourself to your favorite coffee or even taking a trip somewhere. Having something to look forward to trains the brain into creating motivation.

Remember, it is the small wins we achieve that need to be acknowledged and appreciated for what they are. Motivation is a huge factor of whether or not we succeed, and being able to reward ourselves and celebrate small wins is the key.

Near the end of each workday, use this checklist to review the day and plan your managerial actions for the next day. After a few days, you will be able to identify issues by scanning the boldface words. First, focus on progress and setbacks and think about specific events (catalysts, nourishers, inhibitors, and toxins) that contributed to them. Next, consider any clear inner-work-life clues and what further information they provide about progress and other events. Finally, prioritize for action. The action plan for the next day is the most important part of your daily review: What is the one thing you can do to best facilitate progress?

When you celebrate, your body releases endorphins. Endorphins are a type of hormone that make you happy and feel incredible. Once you start to feel great, your body craves even more, which can help you to continue to make healthy choices.

Ultimately, healthy success builds upon healthy success. As you achieve healthy victories, celebrating them helps your body to realize just how great those victories are. Not only that, but the knowledge that a celebration is in your future serves as an extra source of motivation to keep working towards your goals.

How you celebrate is up to you, your employees, and the culture of wellness where you work. No matter what celebration you settle on, take advantage of all the benefits of healthy celebration in your employee wellness program.

4. Identifying and celebrating your wins can help lead you to your life purpose. Think of your life purpose as a key theme of your life. Start by reflecting on what you feel your wins are and uncovering what patterns you can pull out. Anything stand out about what you did or how you approached something? Maybe someone you were working with found amazing value in what you did for them. What about that felt great to you? What was effortless about that interaction?

5. Talking about your wins can encourage others to take what you learned and apply it to their lives. Through celebrating and recognizing our accomplishments we can teach others what helped us be successful. Maybe you found huge growth in your career or business by attending a networking event or joining a club. By celebrating the growth and putting it out into the world others in your industry or career field can take what you learned and give it a try themselves. In this way, your celebrating is serving not only you but also others!

This is one reason why having an annual review for yourself (and your team / company) can be so beneficial. It reminds everyone of the goals accomplished and the projects completed. It shows that the oftentimes mundane and difficult work we do every day is actually adding up to something of value.

Even if your company has taken some hits in the down economy, there are still wins you can celebrate. Give your team a boost by celebrating and reminding them that good things are still happening for the company.

We are in a very difficult and challenging world right now as we fight our way out of the Coronavirus pandemic and some days it can seem hard to find anything good in the world but in order for our own mental health and well-being to stay healthy, we need to find ways to acknowledge and celebrate even the smallest of our daily victories.

Maurette Brown-Clark was guest-hosting for Erica Campbell when she talked about the NAACP Image Awards this past weekend, which exists in a season jam-packed with award shows. Watching so many deserving artists celebrate their victories on TV can either motivate you, or cause you to want a shiny trophy of your own.

Although detox and rehabilitation are major milestones and victories in the fight against addiction, at Fresh Start of California we understand that the push for constant progress can be exhausting. Small celebrations of victory may be just what you need to keep moving forward in your journey of sobriety.

Once you are out on your own and no longer in a recovery facility, there are many ways to continue to reinforce the lessons you have learned. What are some ways to keep track of and celebrate your victories?

Celebration and commemoration are important parts of your campaign. When your coalition wins, it is momentous! Even if you know your organizing will be ongoing, it is important to mark your victories. Take the time to have a party, celebrate your coalition and tenant leaders, and thank your allies. It is also important to document your win, both for your internal purposes and to ensure that the story of your campaign is told through your own words. Often after major organizing wins, the public narrative focuses just on what was won (that a Right to Counsel was passed) and not on how it was won or who fought for it. It is important for your campaign, and for the broader tenant movement, for your organizing story to be told. Ask yourself some questions about what you want to document. What worked well that got you to this point? What is the story you want to tell about the campaign? How does your campaign fit into a larger narrative of tenant activism? Take the time after your win to develop materials that you can use to tell your story and continue to engage others.

This activity was part of a larger meeting. It can be used at a workshop, tenant association meeting, an outreach training, a community meeting, an orientation for new lawyers, etc. You can make the meeting last 20 minutes or 40 minutes, depending on which activities you choose to facilitate. The goal of having an activity about our history was to be able to incorporate our history into many different forums, ensuring that the story of Right to Counsel would be told from the perspective of the tenant movement, with emphasis on organizing efforts and opportunities. It was also a way to really celebrate and acknowledge our victory as we prepare for the work ahead!

In addition to documenting the history and wins of your Right to Counsel organizing efforts, situating Right to Counsel as part of a larger history of tenant activism is a powerful way to draw connections to larger organizing efforts and position Right to Counsel as one component of a larger fight for tenant power.

After we won the Right to Counsel, we started getting questions from people in other cities about how we won and what lessons were learned throughout the campaign. Before there was even a toolkit, we created this particular document to share with groups like yours across the country who are interested in working on Right to Counsel. In fact, developing this document is what inspired us to create this toolkit! As you run your RTC campaigns and learn new lessons, documenting key lessons learned along the way is an important part of celebrating your win and planning for your next phase of organizing as well as for continuing the movement!

It is part of our job to complete these tasks and provide care for our patients. But there is no shame in taking pride in a job well done. A good nurse has many successes on any given shift and a happy nurse will stop a moment and celebrate those victories.

Whether you work at the bedside, IT, or administration in healthcare, we have all got to be more mindful of making sure that we take time to celebrate our victories. We are responsible for our own happiness in our careers.

In order to stay motivated, you have to keep motivating yourself. Celebrating even the tiniest examples of growth in life is a simple way to do that. The more small wins you rack up, the more they stop feeling small. You realize that each little accomplishment allows you to move on to the next one with greater ease, confidence, and excitement.

If you want to kick it up a notch and personalize your growth board even more, use your own photos. For example, your college graduation picture, a selfie you took the day you got promoted at work, or the landscaping project you finally finished would work wonders. You can even get these photos printed on glass and create beautiful arrangements with them. With Fracture Storyboard, you can display your accomplishments chronologically to tell your unique story. You can also use Fracture Photo Walls (pictured above) to arrange your photos in a collage of your best moments.

Celebrating small wins creates forward momentum. When you take the time to celebrate an accomplishment, even a small one, it encourages you to complete another, and another, ultimately leading you to accomplish a much larger goal.

A study published in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science reported that organizations founded on positive practices excel when it comes to productivity. I know the buck starts and stops with me to lead my team in this fashion, and I have used the following techniques to celebrate wins, both personal and professional: 2ff7e9595c

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